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Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra vs OPPO Find X5 Pro Comparison


I've been using these two for the the better part of a month. Now we've got the new galaxy s22 ultra and the oppo find x5 pro. But which is best and which one should you buy. The problem is Samsung usually overshadows the competition including oppo. It's all Samsung vs apple or Samsung versus last year's Samsung. But once again oppo is coming back fighting with some impressive camera hardware and gorgeous design and in some ways. We're getting better specs with this. So let's get the hefty spec list out of the way first this does not tell you the full story. But you can get an idea of, how these two stack up of course being flagship android phones.

       They have a lot in common but there are also a few notable differences between them particularly in the camera department. The first thing, you will notice though is if you buy the oppo then you get a charger in the box which of course is a very fast 80-watt superfood charger  whereas with the s22 while it does now  support faster 45 watts charging admittedly older phones also did that but this is better optimized for phone. You don't get that in the box. You'll have to pay an extra 45 pounds if you want that new feature don't get me wrong. I do appreciate Samsung trying to reduce packaging and you know save the world a little bit but not perhaps at the cost of the consumer  maybe give us a choice when we buy the phone but the second thing you will notice is well this is a vastly different styles. It's quite refreshing, how different these are and with the s22 ultra which is in all but names the note 22 ultras.

     We have that unique note style with its squared-off corners. The huge screen and of course the s pen but for me, the x5 pro is more comfortable and feels a bit more compact as you hold it. I mean the screen is 0.1 inches smaller but it's mainly thanks to these rounded corners. So our PO has gone with a ceramic material for the back of the body. Here compared to glass on last year's x3 pro both are very nice. This feels more like plastic. If I'm honest both look good in their way. This is now quite glossy and also comes in black or white and they both have quite a unique look. Oppo says the ceramic is more scratch-resistant and also better at dissipating heat than glass. Maybe it does but I did still find it.This gets very hot after you've been gaming for 30 minutes. I additionally know.This gets very hot after you've been gaming for 30 minutes. I additionally know. This isn't everybody's favorite thing in the world yet for me. I like this smooth almost melted look to the camera module and again compared to last year's x3 pro .
     We now have this curvy smoother  The 75-degree angle at the lower right of the camera module with the idea being. While you're holding your phone. There's a bit more room for your index finger without it going over the camera module and also there's another advantage to it. Let's put them both on the table slam them down. So this is what happens. When I press the oppo nothing really and then the s22 ultra because we've got these five sticky-outy lenses on the back of the s22 ultra and we haven't got that camera housing. Which we had on the s21 ultra here. They are side by side by bringing that up to the light. You can see the difference. It means on a table. It makes a turning noise and it's a bit wobbly. 
     I'm also a little bit worried that the lenses on the s22 will be the first thing to get damaged oppo actually have a recessed crater design for their camera lenses to keep them out of harm's. Now, this is kind of ironic because the s22 ultra is actually the first phone to accompany the most recent guerrilla glass victus in addition to insurance on both the front and the back.This is great compared to just regular glitter glass victus on the front here and the ceramic body on the back. However I've been using this for a couple of weeks and I've scratched it unfortunately this beautiful phantom black has picked up some scratches. Which is a genuine disgrace. I can't seem to get them out. It's not just me being a complete idiot though. 
     Although it normally is but my friend daniel over at zone of tech shared a photo on Twitter about his massively scratched-up s22. There's probably a camel end scratching it or the uh sort of something on my jeans doing it but I'll be honest with you. As someone who's used the s21 ultra and also the note 20 ultrasI didn't encounter it by any stretch of the imagination. There isn't a single scratch on this even in the same phantom black color. So I definitely recommend the case on the bright side neither phone pick-up smudges nor fingerprints. This is good and also the Samsung does come with more color options and perhaps actually this wouldn't show up with scratches as much I think. If I were to buy another one of these
      .I would go with the burgundy of course design is very subjective beauty is in I have the beholder and all that uh and while technically very impressive.The fact that Samsung has managed to squeeze an s pen into this chassis along with a five thousand million power battery. I think for me the more unique more comfortable and also just I think smarter design of the oppo.I thought I'd record the whole thing on the oppo but let me show you something cool and let me show you. Why do I use surf sharks? I actually do so first.There is an application for in a real sense everything. This is from the mac app store. You could also get a chrome extension. It's on your phone whatever you like anyway. I've now logged into the u.s Boston server.These are both big phones although the s22 is a touch bigger at 6.8 inches versus 6.7 they do share the same resolution up to wqhd plus as well as the same one to 120-hertz refresh rate using an ltpo panel. They also both support hdr 10 plus and of course. 
     They're both AMOLED however as you may be able to see the s22 does come out on top here with a significantly brighter screen peaking at a whopping 1700 nits versus 1300. The new extra brightness boost option on the s22 bumps the brightness by around 200 nits in any situation and it does make a difference. The Oppo does have a bit of a secret  weapon firstly. We have 8192 levels of brightness with most of them at the lower end. So you can really finely tune just how dim or what bright you want it and also unique to this oppo have actually calibrated the colors. The color accuracy of the screen at both 500 nits and 100 nits whereas pretty  much all flagship phones are just  calibrated at 500. This means if you are using this at night.  

        You're browsing a bit of Reddit in bed which I do most nights and you have the screen dimmed. The colors are gonna be more accurate okay. Next question which is faster well. This is actually a bit tricky because as you know. There are two versions of the s22 the Exynos and the snapdragon. I Samsung's own Exynos 2200 chip but putting that just to one side for a second.Here are the results between the two phones and in antutu the Exynos s22 is a good 10 faster and also if we look at the temperatures. It's actually three degrees cooler during the test than the oppo. The exynos s22 also wins in geekbench. It's 22 and 10 faster in single and multicore respectively but then the oppo fights back in the 3dmark graphics test. Where it's a solid 16 faster throughout. 
       Although as you can see from the stability score and the graph the s22 is more stable. It doesn't throttle as harshly and it's got a much smoother curve to it which is. What you want to see ideally. I test this with the snapdragon variant of the s22 but I don't have that yet unfortunately the thing is while benchmarks are kind of interesting. They're not really reflective of real-world use and, currently, some games on the Exynos s22 just aren't optimized games like call of duty pubg or even bright ridge either missing graphics options or it's not performing like. It should be the best-case scenario.They're pretty much on par worst case. The xnos hasn't been properly optimized although hopefully, that will get better with time but having said all that. It's a bit of a moot point.
     I'll tell you what's more important though the oppo comes with a better spec and it's cheaper.We're getting in terms of the entry-level model. At least the oppo that's definitely a point there. However, there are advantages to the s22 neither phone supports MicroSD cards.So you can't grow the capacity. However, you can get this with up to a terabyte of storage 128 256 512 or a terabyte plus then. When you do go for the high spec. You also get 12 gigs of ram to match that and actually both phones offer these sort of ram plus or ram boost options. So you can use a bit of the storage to speed up the phone. So it comes down to if you want more storage then well yeah. You have more options on the s22 but if you're just gonna buy the cheapest one  
of these and you want the best bang forbuck probably. 
       The oppo having said that these are two of the fastest phones. You can buy and so while on paper that sounds like a big difference. I don't know. If I'd really base your whole buying decision around that and also I'm happy to say. You also want me to choose based on battery life. Somehow both phones are squeezed into a 5 000 million power battery. So I've been using these pretty much every day for the past almost a month actually and I didn't know what to expect. When it comes to battery life and also of course with android phones in particular battery life does tend to improve every time you use it and it sort of learns your patterns and knows. Step by step instructions to improve the battery.Step by step instructions to improve the battery.What I didn't expect. Was for the battery to be identical for example after an hour of gaming, youtube calls, etc. 
      Both phones still had 85 left and then by 11 pm no word of a lie both phones were on 38 so both very impressive and will easily get you a full day and with a bit of rationing, probably a day and a half but neither can quite be the ruler of battery. The iPhone 13 pro max so with a pretty equal battery between them the point goes to oppo as while Samsung has increased the fast charging to 45 watts. The x5 pro not only supports faster 80-watt super boot charging with the charger in the box but we also get faster 50-watt air VOC charging. Although you will need to invest in one of the oppo's wireless stands for both phones can top up other devices with reverse wireless charging okay. I've made you wait long enough. 

    Let's talk about the big one cameras which have the best camera well. I can tell you straight away that this has been incredibly tough. I've been going this way and that on the photographs and the recordings.It has been so difficult to decide which one comes out on top. I do have a favorite which I'll come to in a second but there are pros and cons for each and also what's made it. Trickier is that neither of them is completely consistent either but before I tell you. Which one do I think is best. Let me show you my work and first things. First, the Samsung has four lenses to the oppos 3 with that extra 10 times telephoto on the s2 a2 and even if it's not something.You use it all the time. There's no doubt the s22 ultra is more versatile.

       It's the kind of zoom and even up to 30 times. It's pretty usable but then in favor of the x5 pro, the ultra-wide camera shares almost the same specs as the main camera. So we're getting one of the highest quality ultrawide on a phone. However, one downside is the stabilization. When switching to ultra-wide as it seems to just go out of the window for the oppo unlike the Samsung using the ultrawide lens but sadly oppo. I've actually dropped one of my favorite features from the x3 pro that microscope lens. It was a cool unique, extra both phones have also upgraded the glass on their main lens to improve the quality. Although again that's a little bit tricky to actually quantify. What difference does that make? What is obvious though is that both phones offer a significant upgrade over their predecessors even just from a year ago and that's despite on paper at least giving us similar hardware in my oppo unboxing and hands-on video I put it side by side with the x3 pro and both the main and also the selfie cameras showed significant improvement in detail and colors and it was a similar story with the s22 versus, the s21. 

    I was kind of shocked just how much more detail. We're getting and particularly in low light selfies. It's a world of difference so far so good then but actually putting these two sides by side well. There's a lot to talk about but I've kind of boiled it down to a few key takeaways number one they are both excellent and in some situations. You can barely tell them apart number two the s22 gives us a more contrasty and often more detailed shot whereas the oppo can be brighter and a little flatter in terms of contrast and softer shadows and also usually a bit more vivid and perhaps a touch over-saturated sometimes number three and I do prefer Samsung's portrait shots. The edge detection is insanely good. I mean, it can even separate individual hairs even if it's not flawless I just found. 

      The Samsung took a noticeably better portrait photo number four and both phones can be a bit hit or miss. When it comes to white balance. Let me show you. What I mean and here in the bar two schmucks in Barcelona. If you were wondering. The oppo is bathed in yellow with the s22 giving us more nuanced colors but then bizarrely back. It was the reverse with the oppo impressively maintaining the more true to life color but for number five hands down. The Samsung selfie camera is better. It's more detailed. It doesn't get blown out by a strong backlight. It's not to say the oppo is bad. It's just not as good as Samsung. So if a selfie camera is important to you then well that's maybe a deciding factor number six when it comes to video.

      This is a tough one walking around in good light shooting 4k. There's not much in it.The oppo is a touch brighter and gives us softer shadows but largely. They're both very good of course. We do have the benefit of the extra zoom on the s280 ultra and also to say the oppo falls a bit. When it comes to the stabilization using that ultra-wide lens goes back to the bar and is a really good example of showing off that wider field of view that we get on the Samsung. Which is nice to have. There's just more in the frame although. I think. I do slightly prefer the opposite video with more natural skin tones.There's a bit more detail in the darker areas compared to the Samsung but then in extremely low light. and despite the x5 pro's very fancy new five-axis DSLR level stabilization. The s22 is smoother.

      We've barely even talked about this the s pen both these phones have certain unique features but the s pen truly makes this stand out. You may not even use it. But having it. Therefore doodling drawing e-signatures, just gives you a lot more versatility and something that no other flagship phone offers. The s22 also gives us decks. If you want to use your phone more like a laptop or workstation. There's also slightly better connectivity with a USB chip and also wi-fi 6e support which is bizarre. We don't get on the oppo.That's only wi-fi 6. in terms of software, both phones ship running android 12 with one UI and color os on the Samsung and oppo respectively generally. I do prefer Samsung software but there's really not that much in it and it's very much a personal preference. 

     Although Samsung does promise a whopping four years of Android software updates on the s22. Although I can't guarantee how quick that will be versus three years on the oppo that is still very good and breathe that was a lot to take in hopefully. You enjoyed it. which one is best. Which one would I go for honestly? You can't go wrong with either of these but there is nothing worse than sitting on the fence because that's how you get splinters in your ass. I think as much as I do appreciate the better spec on this in the base model and also it's a little bit cheaper. 

      If you want the best all-singing all-dancing flagship android phone. You really do have to go with the s22 ultra but what do you reckon would you go with the oppo. The Samsung or well not in the above may be an iPhone or a Xiaomi 12 pro or something or one plus 10 pro.